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How Italtecno wants to be close to its customers, potential customers and all Aluminium Finishing In

Scheduling 1 free Webinar for all Americas and Europe on February, Thursday 11, at 16.00 (GMT +2)

Webinar05 de fevereiro de 2021 | Por: Portal TS

Dear Customers,

during this past year our priorities have been complete care of health of employees and collaborators but always thinking at our customers worldwide with the hope of overcoming all together the pandemic.

Now, it is Italtecno desire and new priority to keep up-to-date customers and potential customers about its latest innovations by scheduling 1 free Webinar for all Americas and Europe on February, Thursday 11, at 16.00, in order to meet virtually Italtecno customers and potential customers.

We believe in this new way of communication where people safety is too important to be ignored.



The event on February 11th, will start at 16.00 (GMT +2) and includes 3 presentations as follows:   

1. BE-11 acid etching of aluminium: how to reduce etching time, energy costs, aluminium dissolution and amount of sludge after wastewater treatment

2. HardFast 1020-T anodizing process: how to decrease anodizing time and increase quality by means of non-conventional pulse and frequency current and an innovative additive   

3. Automatic Die Cleaning and a new System for Caustic Soda Recovery after Die Cleaning


Each presentation will last 35-40 minutes and be followed by a QA session.



*Registration will be approved by Italtecno

Chairman: Dr. Walter Dalla Barba,

Speakers: Dr. Fabio Vincenzi, Dr. Federico Vincenzi, Dr. Alberto Brandoli


Each participant will receive:

  • 1 free subscription for 6 months to the magazine Aluminium Extrusion and Finishing
  • Special discount on next 12th Aluminium Two Thousand World Congress


We look forward to hearing from you and we remain at your disposal for any further information.

Best regards,

Italtecno Srl

Join us for the Italtecno webinar!

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